15 May 2010

Running ASA and ASDM using GNS3/Qemu

Finally got ASA and ASDM to work nicely with GNS3.
Here's my setup:

GNS3 v0.7
Qemu (The one that comes with GNS3 v0.7)
ASA 802-k8 (files needed for Qemu are: asa802-k8.initrd.gz & asa802-k8.kernel)
ASDM 6.0(2)
Fiddler (Instructions to configure it are here)

To get ASDM to connect with ASA, you must use Fiddler to intercept the HTTPS stream and modify it to correct some of Qemu's shortcomings.
Then set your JRE to use fiddler as proxy.
All instructions can be found in the lengthy discussion at hacki.at. Make sure to read pages 17,18,+


  1. Hi mate!
    Nice blog! Congrats!

    Are you able to see log messages on ASDM Logging?


  2. Are you able to see log messages on ASDM Logging?
